The client receives assistance with communicating with any medical professional when they are unable to articulate what is affecting them.
Drops are administered on your behalf when you are unable to perform this task.
Arrangements can be made on your behalf for a physiotherapist home visit, whether private or through the respective GP Surgeries.
Arrangements can be made for a home visit by the Podiatrist to ensure that your toenails are healthy.
If the podiatrist is unable to facilitate a home visit, then you can be taken to your appointment.
Your daily routine can include assisting you with getting up, your personal care and helping you to get organised for the day.
Assistance is given to enable you to attend your religious services.
This type of care is offered when a client’s live-in carer has their schedule time or day off.
Shopping is offered if you are unable to undertake this task or if your family member is unable to do so for you.
There are times you are unable to access the hairdresser or are no longer able to attend to your hair. This can be done on your behalf.
Looking your best is important, therefore attending to your nails is a service which is offered.
Sometimes it is difficult for you to administer your medication due to illness. Assistance is given to ensure that your medication is taken on time and safely.
This can prove quite challenging for you, therefore, whether male or female, assistance can be given with this task.
Eden's Care Services Limited 's assessment is designed to identify your needs, requirements and to determine what support looks like to you.
Eden's Care Services Limited
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